Do Lllams Spit

Everyone has heard stories about llamas spitting, but you may be wondering: do llamas really spit? And if so, how far can a llama spit? In this blog post, we’ll answer all of your questions about llamas and spitting. We’ll take a look at the science behind the spitting behavior of llamas, explore why they do it and even find out how far they can spit! So get ready to learn more about these curious creatures who have been captivating us for centuries.

Do llamas spit?

Yes, llamas do spit. They typically only spit when they feel threatened or are agitated. 

It’s a common question and one that has divided the llama community for years. Some say that llamas do spit, while others claim that they don’t. So who’s right?

The answer, it turns out, is both sides. Llamas do spit, but not in the way that most people think.

Llamas typically only spit when they feel threatened or are trying to defend themselves. When a llama feels like it is in danger, it will sometimes spit at its aggressor as a way to warn them off. This behaviour is most commonly seen in male llamas who are protecting their territory from other males.

Llamas also sometimes spit at humans when they are angry or upset. This usually happens when a llama feels like it has been mistreated or unfairly treated. If you’re ever on the receiving end of a llama’s anger, you’ll know it!

How far can llamas spit?

When a llama spits, it can shoot its saliva up to 6 feet! and sometimes even further if they are really upset.

They tend to aim for the face, so watch out if you ever get on a llama’s bad side!

Do Llama Spits Hurt?

Llamas are often thought of as spitters, but do their spits actually hurt? It turns out that llama spit is not as acidic as many people think, and thus it is unlikely to cause much pain if it were to come into contact with skin.

However, llamas do have strong musculature in their necks and can generate a fair amount of force when they spit. This means that if you were to get hit by a stream of llama spit, it could potentially sting or even leave a bruise.

What Does It Mean If A Llama Spits At You?

If a llama spits at you, it means that the llama is either annoyed or scared. spitting is a defence mechanism for llamas, and they will usually only spit if they feel threatened.

If you are close to a llama when it spits at you, the llama’s saliva could get into your eyes and mouth, which could cause irritation.

What Spits More Alpaca Or Llama?

When it comes to spitting, both alpacas and llamas can give a good ejection. In general, llamas tend to be the better spitters, with some reports claiming that they can spit up to 15 feet.

Alpacas, on the other hand, typically only spit about 10 feet. However, there is some anecdotal evidence of alpacas spitting even further than llamas. So, when it comes to who spits more between these two animals, it’s really a matter of personal preference.

How Long Does Llama Spit Last?

Llamas are often thought to spit when they are angry or agitated, but llamas will actually only spit on other llamas.

When two llamas meet for the first time, they will often greet each other by spitting. 

While llama spit does not usually last very long, it can linger for a short while if it hits another llama’s fur.

Is Llama Saliva Poisonous?

Llama saliva is not poisonous. However, it can be irritating to the skin and eyes. If you come into contact with llama spit, it is best to wash the area with soap and water.


We can now say with confidence that yes, llamas do spit and they are capable of spitting up to 10 feet. While llama-spitting is generally not considered a desirable behaviour, it does serve an important purpose in the wild by deterring predators. With this information in mind, it’s clear that if you want to get close to these majestic animals then you should proceed with caution as they might not be so welcoming!

So, while llamas do spit, it’s not something they do all the time or without reason. Now that you know the truth about llamas and spitting, you can go forth and spread the word to all your friends!



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